
Tor Varden

The set-up. Frustratingly it was at this stage I (Ed) realised I was two wall sections sort for the final room. The walls are scratch-built from 10mm thick, cork tiles, with Blotz laser cut doors. The mat is by Artistic Impressions. And the contents of the rooms are a mix of old Citadel Moria bits, a couple of Mantic Terrain Crates, and some Ristul's Extraordinary Market resin pieces. Our adventurers burst into the first room. And executed a perfect, door-kicking, room clearance. Off to a good start then… Picard leads the away team into the final chamber. A more grizzled looking Hugh Mann charges into the room and lets a crossbow bolt fly. The top level of Tor Varden. A shadow knight discusses (or at least attempts to discuss) tactics with a Gnoll soldeir. Our heroes burst out of the hatchway and a straight at the Shadow Knight Wilhelm, having found the magic sword in the third room below, takes point while the rest of the companions jump in to provide assistance. The Shadow Knight...

The Beacon Tower. Scenario 1 — The bridge guards

Boulders and ancient ruins cover the approach to the river crossing.

The Missing. Scenario 2 – The infected trees

The Infected trees. When we set-up, we forgot that giant spiders ignore most terrain effects  Our heroes rush forward in search of clues as to what may have happened at the village John's ranger about to take a beating Hugh, maintaining his position as 2019's MVP Wilhelm searching for treasure, but turning up corpses 

The Missing. Scenario 1— The deserted village
